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L'offrande des caresses....


Maître Poète

L'offrande des caresses

Tu m'offres le désir de caresses,
Les désirs soudain et impérieux
Et Tu sais très bien que Ta voix;
Ta caresse, Tes gestes me suffisent
Pour que nous pussions cheminer;
Entre le cour de rêve et de rêveries
De nos baisers tendres et raffinés
Et ainsi doucement passionnés...

Sous la douce mélodie vespérale
Que nos bouches s’endorment
Les lèvres couchées une sur l'autre
Racontent merveilleusement
Sur notre délicieuse soirée de baisers
Qu'ils tombent comme une averse;
Averse de pluie intermittente,
Partout sur Ta peau, sur Ta poitrine,
Léchant dans les paumes de Tes mains,
Les fossettes de chaque phalange;
De Ta peau bronzée sous Soleil ardent.

Ah, Ton souffle me brûle le visage,
Le nord et le sud de nos corps
Se réunissent nous magnétisant,
Ils nous emportent d'ici, anéantissant
Mais la mélodie de chuchotements
Que Tu ressens par mes caresses
Et rien n'est plus comparable,
Rien n'est enivrant que sentir,
Les caresses sur nos peaux
Nous sommes le Paradis sur Terre!

Ecrit by AnnaVart, le 2015-09-02,
Tous droits sont réservés ©
Pain of joy, shadow of a kiss

It still hurts clear
Very clearly on my neck
My pain of joy, shadow of your kiss
In the mirror, I smile at myself
And I recall our paradise in your bed

Barely an hour ago in your bedroom
'Harder, go ahead. Suck me harder.'
'Use teeth, it's ok. Come on, do it.'
'Ah... Don't bother. Even harder...!'
'No, don't stop. Keep it there.'

Some two hours ago
After night of loving all night
In the dim of dawn, we talked long
Could not leave you as if nothing happened
As if the night was just another dream

After night of loving all night
Wanted a little of you to take with me
A proof, a mark, a sensation, even a pain
So I pled for a kiss bruise
You to be my vampire lover

About a few hours ago or so, for hours
My love, you trembled once again in bliss
Maybe for the hundredth time, we lost count
Listening to verses of love whispered in your ear
As I smoothly etched those letters with my man in you

And now, curious eyes look at me, wondering
Let them wonder, let them see me
I am proud of your signature of love
On my neck in black & blue so sweet
My pain of joy, shadow of your kiss



Maître Poète
Pain of joy, shadow of a kiss

It still hurts clear
Very clearly on my neck
My pain of joy, shadow of your kiss
In the mirror, I smile at myself
And I recall our paradise in your bed

Barely an hour ago in your bedroom
'Harder, go ahead. Suck me harder.'
'Use teeth, it's ok. Come on, do it.'
'Ah... Don't bother. Even harder...!'
'No, don't stop. Keep it there.'

Some two hours ago
After night of loving all night
In the dim of dawn, we talked long
Could not leave you as if nothing happened
As if the night was just another dream

After night of loving all night
Wanted a little of you to take with me
A proof, a mark, a sensation, even a pain
So I pled for a kiss bruise
You to be my vampire lover

About a few hours ago or so, for hours
My love, you trembled once again in bliss
Maybe for the hundredth time, we lost count
Listening to verses of love whispered in your ear
As I smoothly etched those letters with my man in you

And now, curious eyes look at me, wondering
Let them wonder, let them see me
I am proud of your signature of love
On my neck in black & blue so sweet
My pain of joy, shadow of your kiss

merci pour ce divin "paradis d'amour"..........amitiés
Je ne sais plus quoi écrire...
quand le cœur parle...
et quand sa voix...
en moi...